Jelisaveta Blagojević
• PhD: University of Novi Sad, Gender Studies Program, Association of the Centers for Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies and Researches, with the dissertation entitled “Theoretical contribution to Gender Studies: Discourses on Identity, Difference and Otherness”, (2006).
• MPhil: Diploma in Gender&Culture at Open University London - Mylton Keynes, thesis topic - “Hieroglyphs of Jealousy”, (2001).
• BA: Diploma in History of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade University, thesis topic “Speech of Silence: Philosophy of Luce Irigaray”, (1995).
• Higher Education Support Program, Fellowship, 2003 - 2006
• Utrecht University - postgraduate summer school in Politics of Location, 2005.
• Open Society Institute Belgrade – grant for participation at X International Conference of Women Philosophers, Barcelona, 2001
• Soros Scholarship for M. Phil degree at Open University London, 1999 - 2001
• Media and Journalism Foundation, Multi -Kulti Radio, Berlin, Germany, 1999
• Goethe Institute: Language scholarship, Berlin, Germany, 1998
• Associate Professor and Dean for Academic Affairs at the Faculty of Media and Communications, University Singidunum, Belgrade, since 2006
• Lecturer and Coordinator at Belgrade Women’s Studies and Gender Research Center, Belgrade, since 2001
• Editor of the book edition "Gender &Culture" – Belgrade Women's Studies and Gender Research Center, since 2002
• Editorial Assistant of the Belgrade Women’s Studies Center Journal for Feminist theory Genero, Belgrade, 2001-
• The Belgrade Circle NGO, Office manager, Belgrade, 2001 - 2002
• OSCE, Stability Pact, Office Manager in Gender Task Force Office, Budapest, 2000
• Teaching courses at the Faculty of Media and Communications, University Singidunum, Belgrade:
- Contemporary Political Theories and Ideologies, since 2008.
- Structuralism and Post-structuralism, since 2006.
- Politics of Borders, since 2009.
- Critical Thinking: Problems of 21. Century, since 2006.
- Politics of Love, since 2008.
- Gender and Culture, since 2009.
- Media and Diversity, since 2008.
• Teaching course “From the discourse of brotherhood and unity to the discourses of EU integration: the case of "transition" in Serbia” at the Summer School for Comparative Conflict Studies, Center for Comparative Conflict Studies and FMK, Belgrade, 2011 and 2012.
• Lecturer at SIT Study Abroad Program - Serbia, Bosnia, and Kosovo: Peace and Conflict Studies in the Balkans- title “Politics of otherness and differences: the Case of Serbia”, since 2008.
• Visiting lecturer at the Gender and Politics MA program at the Political Science Faculty, Belgrade University, since 2006
• Lecturer at Ohrid Summer School in “Gender Studies of and for the Region of the Balkans”, since 2009.
• Visiting lecturer at the Research Center in Gender Studies - Euro Balkan Institute, Skopje, since 2002
• Teaching courses in Contemporary Feminist Philosophy at Belgrade Women’s Studies and Gender Research Center, since 2001
• Teaching course in Contemporary Philosophy at Faculty of Political Science, Belgrade University 2003/2006
• Teaching course in Popular Culture at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, 2004/2006
• Visiting Lecturer at ISH Ljubljana, 2005
• Teaching course in Introduction to Queer Theory, Belgrade Women’s Studies Center and Faculty of Political Science, 2004
• Teaching course Women Philosophers in XX century at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, 2003-2005
• Visiting Lecturer at Faculty of Philosophy Sofia, Bulgaria, 2004
• Teaching courses in Philosophy and Gender Studies at the Alternative Academic Education Network, 2002/2003
• Visiting Lecturer at Mileva-Maric Ajnstajn Center in Novi Sad, 2003
• Director of the Center for Research in Identities, Politics and Cultures (Ipak.Center), Belgrade, 2013 -
• Director of the Summer Institute for Sexualities, Cultures and Politics: “Queerness, Community and Capital: Towards New Alliances of the Political” Presentation title: “Sunday Lunch Politics” Euro-Balkan Institute, Skopje, 2012.
• European Fund for the Balkans, „Fellowship Program for Young Government Officials from the Western Balkans – Supporting Excellence and Leadership in Governance”, Presentation title: “Discourses of EU Integration: Human Rights and Anti-discrimination Politics”, Berlin, 2012.
• Center for Visual History, Faculty for Media and Communication, title of the project VAS Belgrade Berlin www, supported by Ministry of Culture, Republic of Serbia, 2010-2011.
• Faculty for Political Science, (Belgrade University), Project title: Gender Equality and Cultural Citizenship: Historical and Theoretical Foundations in Serbia (from 2011-2014) supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Serbia.
• Faculty of Media and Communications, Project title: New Media and Culture of Resistance, supported by Higher Education Support program, Budapest, 2010-2011.
• Faculty for Political Science, Belgrade University, Project title: Comprehensive Analysis of Gender Dimension in Educational Material funded by United Nations Development Program (UNDP) completed in 2009.
• Contemporary Political Philosophy, Culture/Media Studies, Gender and Queer Studies, Love Studies
• “Unthinkable: Bodies-in-Common, Queerness and the Ethico-Political Fiction in the Present” co-author with Dimitrov, Slavcho, in Antropologija Br. 12 Sv.2, Beograd, 2012.
• “Revisiting Heteronormativity: A madman who believes he is heterosexual is no more mad than a heterosexual who believes he is heterosexual” co-author with Dimitrov, Duhacek, Dasha ed. Kultura, rod, građanski status. Belgrade: Center for Women’s Studies, 2012.
• “Cultures of Alterity” in Belgrade Journal of Media and Communications, Center for Media and Communications, FMK, Vol 1, No 1, Belgrade, 2012.
• “Unthinkable: Ethico-political fiction in the present” in Journal Identities, Vol 8, No 1, Euro Balkan Institute, Skopje, 2011.
• “Adieu to Europe: Impossible necessity of Balkans politics” in Journal Identities, Euro Balkan Institute, Skopje, 2009.
• “Feministička politika: od politika identiteta do politika razlike” (“Feminist Politics: from Identity Politics to Politics of Difference”) in Žene i politički uticaj, Glas razlike, Beograd, 2005.
• “Smještanje ljubavi: granice subjektivnosti” (“Taking Place of Love: Borderlines of Subjectivity”), Journal Treća, Zagreb, 2005.
• “Kraj jedne ljubavne priče: pisanje kao rad farmakona” (The End of the Affair: Writing as a Labor of Pharmakon”) Journal Identities, Skopje, 2002 and Journal Delta, Ljubljana, 2004.
• "Mišljenje kao prevođenje: od jednog do drugog" (“Thinking as Translating: from one to the other”) in Žene i politika: pitanje roda u političkoj teoriji, Zenska Infoteka, Zagreb, 2002.
• “From One to the Other: Problem and/or Aporia”, Journal Lectora revista de dones i textualitat, 7, 2002.
• "Logika poseda" (“Logic of the Proper”) in Zenske studije No 14, Belgrade Women's Studies Center's Journal for Feminist theory, Belgrade, 2001.
• " I cannot love you unless I give you up" magazine for Gender and Cinema, Lithuania, 2001
• " Eyes Wide Shut: Logic of the proper" magazine Kinas, Lithuania, 2001.
• “Gde je srce Subjekta?” (“Where is the heart of the Subject?”), Journal Kruh i Ruže – Infoteka – Zagreb, 2000.
• “Govor osluškivanja – Filozofija Lus Irigaraj” (“Speech of Silence” - Luce Irigaray’s Philosophy), Magazine Kosava, Philosophical edition, Vrsac, 1995.
Chapters in Books:
• “Between Walls. Provincialisms, human rights, sexualities and Serbian public discourses on EU integration” u De-Centring Western Sexualities: Central and Eastern European Perspectives, eds. Robert Kulpa and Joanna Mizielinska, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, UK, 2011.
• “Postmoderni feminizam” (Postmodern feminism) in Uvod u rodne teorije (Introduction to Gender Theories), Mediterran Publishing, Novi Sad, 2011.
• “Kultura koja dolazi” (“Culture to Come”) in Kultura, Drugi, Žene (Culture, Others, Women), eds. Svenka Savić, Jasenka Kodrnja and Svetlana Slapšak, Institut za društvena istraživanja, Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo and Plejada, Zagreb, 2010.
• «Queer molitva: politička kultura i Evrovizija u Srbiji na početku XXI veka” (“Queer Preyer: Political culture and Eurovision Contest at the beginning of 21st century in Serbia”), co-autor, in Teorije i politike roda: rodni identiteti u književnostima i kulturama jugoistočne Evrope, ed.Tatjana Rosić, Institut za književnost i umetnost, Beograd, 2008.
• “I prefer not to: On potentiality and actuality of love” in Places of Love (in the Texts of Ten East European Women) ur. Miglena Nikolchina i Nadezhda Radulova, Altera, Sofia 2007.
• “Taking Place of Love: Borderlines of Subjectivity” in Gender and Identity: Theories from/about Southeast Europe,, co editor, European Association of Academic Programs in Gender Studies (ATHENA Network), 2007.
• “Mislim, dakle mislim drugo: Deridina poetika gostoprimstva” (“I Think Therefore I think the Other: Derrida’s Poetics of Hospitality”) in Voice and Writing, Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Beograd, 2005.
• “Protiv drugofobije” (“Against Otherphobia”) in Maštarije o vidljivom, Misao, Novi Sad, 2005.
• “I prefer not to… :On potentiality and actuality of love” in Gender and Migrations, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2005
• "Thinking as Translating: From One to the Other" Women and Politics: Gender in Political Theory (“Frauen und Politik: Das Geschlecht in der Politischen Theorie", Documentation from the Seminar, Zenska Infoteka, 2002.
• Hieroglyphs of Jealousy, Research Center in Gender Studies, Euro-Balkan Institute, Skopje, 2008
• Zajednica onih koji nemaju zajednicu (Community Without Community), Faculty of Media and Communications, Belgrade, 2008
Books – Editor:
• Media/Power/&, eds. with Jovan Cekic, Faculty of Media and Communications, Belgrade, 2012.
• Gender and Identity, eds. with Katerina Kolozova and Svetlana Slapsak, Collection: SEE Theories in Gender Studies, (Skopje, Ljubljana, Belgrade) in 2006.
• Selected Papers, eds. with Dusan Djordjevic Mileusnic, Belgrade Women’s Studies Center, Belgrade, 2002.
Reference available upon request.