Slavco Dimitrov (b. 1984) holds a diploma for Comparative and General Literature at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius and holds MA in Gender Studies and Philosophy, on the subject of: Genealogical Deconstruction of the Confessional Subject: Political and Ethical Implications. He is currently enrolled in M.Phil. Multidisciplinary Gender Studies Programme at Cambridge University. He is also a PhD candidate in Gender Studies and Philosophy and working on his PhD thesis. He’s been teaching several courses at the non-formal School on Gender and Politics at the Euro-Balkan Institute. At the moment he is a teaching assistant for the courses ‘Contemporary Cultural Theories’, ‘Culture and Gender’, ‘Masculinities and the Balkans’ and ‘Queer Theory’ at the postgraduate Gender Studies and Cultural studies departments at the Institute Euro-Balkan. In the last several years he has coordinated several projects concerning the human rights and non-discrimination of minority communities in Macedonia. At the moment he is director of the Coalition for Sexual and Health Rights of Marginalized Communities. He has participated at more than twenty symposia, workshops, conferences and international trainings. He has been academic coordinator of several summer schools organized by the Euro-Balkan Institute, as well as coordinator of several academic and educational projects. Slavcho is the founder and academic coordinator of the Summer School in Sexualities, Cultures and Politics. He is also one of the founders of the IPAK (Research in Cultures, Politics and Identities) Center.

Slavco Dimitrov (b. 1984) holds a diploma for Comparative and General Literature at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius and holds MA in Gender Studies and Philosophy, on the subject of: Genealogical Deconstruction of the Confessional Subject: Political and Ethical Implications. He is currently enrolled in M.Phil. Multidisciplinary Gender Studies Programme at Cambridge University. He is also a PhD candidate in Gender Studies and Philosophy and working on his PhD thesis. He’s been teaching several courses at the non-formal School on Gender and Politics at the Euro-Balkan Institute. At the moment he is a teaching assistant for the courses ‘Contemporary Cultural Theories’, ‘Culture and Gender’, ‘Masculinities and the Balkans’ and ‘Queer Theory’ at the postgraduate Gender Studies and Cultural studies departments at the Institute Euro-Balkan. In the last several years he has coordinated several projects concerning the human rights and non-discrimination of minority communities in Macedonia. At the moment he is director of the Coalition for Sexual and Health Rights of Marginalized Communities. He has participated at more than twenty symposia, workshops, conferences and international trainings. He has been academic coordinator of several summer schools organized by the Euro-Balkan Institute, as well as coordinator of several academic and educational projects. Slavcho is the founder and academic coordinator of the Summer School in Sexualities, Cultures and Politics. He is also one of the founders of the IPAK (Research in Cultures, Politics and Identities) Center.
- Queer and Gender Theory
- Biopolitics
- Corporeal Politics
- Post-Foundational Political Philosophy
- Affect Theory
- 2013. History and Anthropology of Gay Clubbing in Belgrade, Senior Researcher HARTEFAKT. 2013. Belgrade, Serbia, to be published
- History of the Experience of AIDS and Homosexuality in Serbia: 1984 - 2012, Senior Researcher. 2013. HARTEFAKT, Belgrade, Serbia, to be published
- Society, Gender, Sexuality, Sexual Health and MSM in Macedonia: Community Based Research, Senior Researcher. 2012. UNAIDS and H.E.R.A, Skopje, Macedonia National Identity and Media, Work Package 4 from Ge.Mi.IC (Gender, Migration and Intercultural Interaction in SEE), Euro-Balkan Institute: 2008-2011. International Research Project granted by EC, FP7 (Main Researcher)
- Sexualities in Transition: Discourses, Power and Sexual minorities in Transitional Macedonia, Euro-Balkan Institute: 2009. Granted by Erste Bank Foundation (Main Researcher)
- Love Only After School Classes: Assessment of the Need and Availability of Information from the Domain of Sexual Education in Macedonia, H.E.R.A: 2010. Granted by IPPF (Assistant Researcher)
- Media, Non-Discrimination and Marginalized Communities, HOPS-Healthy Options Project Skopje: 2009. Granted by OSCE (Assistant Researcher)
- Contemporary Cultural Theories
- Cultural/Sociological Theories and Gender
- Queer Theory
- Masculinities
- Gender, Body and Culture
- Politics of Love
- Politics and Affect
Books: edited
- Trajanoski Zarko & Dimitrov Slavcho ed. 2011. (Homos)Sexuality and the Education in the Republic of Macedonia. Skopje: Coalition SHRMC
- Dmitrov, Slavcho & Lozanoska Jana. 2009. Integrating Differences – Human Rights, Social Inclusion and Social Cohesion in the Balkans on its Road to the EU: Proceedings from a regional conference. Skopje: Euro-Balkan,
Essays in edited volumes
- Blagojevich, Jelisaveta and Dimitrov, Slavcho. 2012. “Revisiting Heteronormativity: A madman who believes he is heterosexual is no more mad than a heterosexual who believes he is heterosexual” in Duhacek, Dasha ed. Kultura, rod, gradanski status. Belgrade: Center for Women’s Studies
- 2008. The Perverse Pleasure of Curating, in Milevska Suzana and Tanurovska Biljana eds.. Curatorial Translation, Skopje:Evro-Balkan Press
- 2008. Paradoxes of Autonomy: Towards the Ethics of Precariousness, in Katerina Mojancevska ed, Through woman’s perspective Skopje: Multimedia
- 2007. Killing for Survival, in Profeminist White Flowers-Sands 1974, a monograph for the American Contemporary Artist Sands Murray-Wassink. Stadtichen Kunsthalle, Munchen,
Journal papers: academic
- Blagojevich, Jelisaveta and Dimitrov, Slavcho. 2012. “Unthinkable: Bodies-in-Common, Queerness and the Ethico-Political Fiction in the Present” in Antropologija Br. 12 Sv.2, Beograd,
- 2012. “Sexualities in Transition” in Daskalova Krassimira, Caroline Hornstein Tomić, Karl Kaser, Filip Radunović , ed. Gendering Post-Socialist Transition: Studies of Changing Gender Perspectives. Wien: Erste Foundation
- 2011. Identities – Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, chief editor of a thematic issue on Bodies, Affects and the Political, Vol.8/No.1/Winter 2011
- 2010. "The Lived Revolution: Solidarity with the Body in Pain as the New Political Universal by Katerina Kolozova", Aspasia, International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women's and Gender History
- 2009. Sexuality and Gender in Macedonian Art, Interview with prof. Nebojsa Vilic. Identities (magazine for politics, culture and gender), Vol. 7 / No. 1/2 / summer 2008/winter 2009
- 2008. That Dark Object of Desire: Towards David Halperin, What Do Gay Men Want, in Identities (magazine for politics, culture and gender) Vol. 6 / No. 2/3 / Summer 2007/Winter 2008
- 2006. Extasis- Coercion and vulnerability (analysis of Judith Butler’s Undoing gender), published in Identities (magazine for politics, culture and gender) Vol. 5 / No. 2 / Summer 2006,
- 2006. Dogville, the City With No Citizens, the City With No People (semiotic and post- colonial analysis of Lars von Trier’s movie “Dogville”), published in the electronic magazine for Comparative Literature Mirage (www.mirage.com.mk ), 16th November, 2006