Stanimir Panayotov

Stanimir Panayotov (1982, Bulgaria) graduated in Philosophy from Sofia University and holds MA in Philosophy and Gender Studies from Euro-Balkan Institute (2011) with a thesis on Plato’s natural philosophy and the problem of femininity/maternity in the ancient concept of space (khora). He is currently a PhD student in comparative gender studies at CEU, Budapest, working on the relation between desire and space in ancient cosmologies and Plato. His research interests and published work are centered round issues in feminist and continental philosophy, queer theory, and gender studies. He is also a free-lance translator and has translated numerous articles from the same fields (Sedgwick, Fuss, Butler, A. Rich, etc.), and books by Peter Berger, Wendy Brown, Jasna Koteska, and David M. Halperin (forthcoming). He has also been involved in numerous projects in Bulgaria and Macedonia related with queer issues and has served as a queer activist for various projects and organizations. Stanimir is also part of Social Center Xaspel and New Left Perspectives in Sofia.

Stanimir Panayotov (1982, Bulgaria) graduated in Philosophy from Sofia University and holds MA in Philosophy and Gender Studies from Euro-Balkan Institute (2011) with a thesis on Plato’s natural philosophy and the problem of femininity/maternity in the ancient concept of space (khora). He is currently a PhD student in comparative gender studies at CEU, Budapest, working on the relation between desire and space in ancient cosmologies and Plato. His research interests and published work are centered round issues in feminist and continental philosophy, queer theory, and gender studies. He is also a free-lance translator and has translated numerous articles from the same fields (Sedgwick, Fuss, Butler, A. Rich, etc.), and books by Peter Berger, Wendy Brown, Jasna Koteska, and David M. Halperin (forthcoming). He has also been involved in numerous projects in Bulgaria and Macedonia related with queer issues and has served as a queer activist for various projects and organizations. Stanimir is also part of Social Center Xaspel and New Left Perspectives in Sofia.

Research Interests

  • Early pre-Christian cosmologies; Plato and sex
  • 20th c. continental philosophy (esp. Guattari, Deleuze, Foucault, and theories of desire and subjectivation); and Marxism (esp. autonomist Marxism)
  • Epistemology and feminist philosophy of science (Fox Keller, Harding, Braidotti, Stengers, Grosz, Butler)
  • Queer Theory & Gender Studies (sexuality, space and matter; queer and feminist post-humanities)
  • Speculative realism and materialism / object-oriented philosophy

Research Projects

  • RESET Project: Regional seminar in gender/women’s studies and European studies 2004-2006 (Skopje, Euro-Balkan Institute)
  • Q-files ( - Online bibliographical project in Bulgarian on LGBTIQ and Sexualities Issues (March 2005 – ongoing)
  • Media and Marginalized Communities (2011, Coalition for the Protection of Marginalized Communities, Skopje)
  • Life Matters: Microlife, Species, and Extinction (2012, Linkoping University, Sweden)
  • Sex Machines: Theorizing Contemporary Pleasure ((2012, Linkoping University, Sweden)

Teaching Areas

2011/12: Euro-Balkan Institute, Skopje:
  • Methodologies and Epistemologoies of the Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Biopolitics


Books and Journals: edited
  • Queer Balkans: special issue of Sextures (ongoing, in English)
  • Autonomism and Marxism: From the Paris Commune to the World Social Forum (with Nikolay Karkov), Sofia: Anarres, 2013 (forthcoming December 2013, in Bulgarian).
  • Sofia Queer Forum (with Boryana Rossa), Sofia: Anarres, 2013. (bilingual edition, Bulgarian and English).
  • Marx: Heterogenous Readings from the XX Century (with Haralambi Panitsidis and Emilia Mineva), Sofia: Anarres, 2012. (in Bulgarian)
  • Heretical Realisms (with Katerina Kolozova), special issue of Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, Vol. 8, No. 1, Skopje: Euro-Balkan Press, 2011. (in English)
  • Queer Art in Bulgaria, Sofia: Bilitis, 2010 (bilingual edition, Bulgarian and English).
  • Gender, Power, Culture, special issue of Literaturen Vestnik, 20/2003, Sofia: Literaturen Vestnik (in Bulgarian).
Essays in edited volumes
  • “The Absent Foucault: Bulgarian (Mis)Uses,” in: Monika Pisankaneva and Melinda Shateauvert (Eds.), New Social Movements and Sexuality, Sofia & Washington: Bilitis & Woodhill Foundation, 2006 (in English).
  • „From Tradition to Experimentation”, in: Queer Art in Bulgaria, Sofia: Bilitis, 2010 (in Bulgarian and English).
  • “De/legitimization of Activism and the Dilemma of Integration or Assimilation,” in: Zarko Trajanoski (Ed.), Media and Marginalized Communities, Skopje: Coalition for the Protection of Marginalized Communities, 2011 (in Macedonian and English).
  • “Neutralizing Visibility: Bulgarian Strategies of Justifying Inequality,” in: Narcisz Fejes and Andrea P. Balough (Eds.), Queer Visibility in Post-Socialist Cultures, Bristol: Intellect Books, 2013 (in English).
  • “Za ‘samoizmenenieto’” [“On ‘Self-Changing’”], in: Haralambi Panitsidis, Emilia Mineva, Stanimir Panayotov (Eds.), Marx: Heterogenous Readings from the XXth Century, Sofia: Anarres, 2012. (in Bulgarian)
  • “For More Happy Drag Queens,” in: Boryana Rossa and Stanimir Panayotov, Sofia Queer Forum, Sofia: Anarres, 2013. (In Bulgariand and English)
Journal papers
  • “Homomitologii, heterosotsiologii” [“Homomythologies, Heterosociologies”], in: Demokraticheski pregled [Democratic Review], Vol. 50/2002 (in Bulgarian).
  • “Normativnijat problem za homoseksualnija subekt: gay & lesbian studies and queer theory” [“The Normative Problem of Homosexual Subject: Gay & Lesbian Studies and Queer Theory”], in: Kritika I Humanizam [Critique & Humanism], Vol. 17/2004 (in Bulgarian).
  • “The Binary Code (Notes on The Celebrating of Homosexuality)”, in: Identities, Vol. 8-9/2005 (in Macedonian and English).
  • “Heart’s Unreason: A Reading of Edelman’s Anti-Futurism through Bataille,” in: Identities, Vol. 8.2/2011 (in English).
Selected interviews
  • [with Galena Eduardova] “Choveshkite tela sa zavistlivi kam tehnologiite” [“Human Bodies Are Envious to Technologies” (An Interview with Rosi Braidotti)], in: Altera, 9/2005 (in Bulgarian).
  • Michael O’Rourke in conversation with Stanimir Panayotov: “X, Welcome!!!”, in: Identities, Vol. 8.1/2011 (in English).
  • “After Oedipus’ Heels. Interview with Jasna Koteska,” in: Kultura, 22/2012, (in Bulgarian).
Conference proceedings
  • “The Gender Paradigm As A Lack of the Local Object (On the Discursive Limits of A Regional Queer Theory),” in: Woman & Politics: Sexuality between the local and the global,
  • Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, 2005 (in English, German and Croatian).
  • “Postcolonial Fire”, in: Women & Politics: Eastern Europe and the Third World - Women's Attempt to re-establish the dialogue, Zagreb: Zenska Infoteka, 2006 (in English, German and Croatian).
  • “On Guattari’s Planetary Psychopathology,” in: Melentie Pandilovski (Ed.), The Apparatus of Life and Death, Skopje: Euro-Balkan Press, 2011 (in English).
  • “Pride: Between Permission and Hijacking,” in: Rex Cultural Center, 10.05.2013, (in Serbian).
Selected book reviews
  • “Krizata kato subekt” [“Crisis As A Subject”] (Judith Butler et al., Proceedings from The Seminar ‘Crisis of The Subject’, Held in Ohrid, Macedonia, 11-14 May, 2000, Euro-Balkan Institute: Skopje, 2001), in: Kultura, 20/2003, (in Bulgarian).
  • “R’edip” (Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, Anti-Oedipus. Capitalism and Schizophrenia I, Sofia: Critique & Humanism, 2004), in: Kultura, 33/2004, (in Bulgarian).
  • “Koi se strahuva ot tehnologiite?” [“Who’s Afraid of Technologies?”] (Rosi Braidotti, Metamorphoses. Towards a Materialistic Theory of Becoming, London: Polity Press, 2002), in: Kultura, 2/2005, (in Bulgarian).
  • “Smeshno, tvarde smeshno” [“Funny, All Too Funny”] (Simon Critchley, On Humour, Routledge: London & New York, 2002), in: Kultura, 11/2005, (in Bulgarian).
  • “Modernoto, razkazano za postmodernisti” [“The Modern Narrated for Postmodernists”] (Frederic Jameson, A Singular Modernity, Sofia: Critique & Humanism, 2005), in: 39 grama, 4/2005 (in Bulgarian).
  • “Transferatu” (Siegmund Freud, Psychoanalysis: Theory and Therapy (ed. and trans. by Vladimir Teoharov), Sofia: Critique & Humanism, 2005), in: Literaturen Vestnik, 22/2005 (in Bulgarian).
  • “Posledniyat vazmozhen potlatch” [The Last Possible Potlatch] (Guy Debord, Panegyric, Vols. 1 & 2, Verso: London, 2004), in: LiterNet, 10.09.2008, № 9 (106), (in Bulgarian).
  • “Knigovartezh” [“A Vertigo of Books”] (Gillez Deleuze and Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus. Capitalism and Schizophrenia II, trans. Antoaneta Koleva, Sofia: Critique and Humanism, 2009), in: Literaturen vestnik, 38-9/2009; 3/4/2010 (in Bulgarian).
  • “Ask the Puppet” (Thomas Ligotti, The Conspiracy against the Human Race, New York: Hippocampus Press), in: Identities, Vol. 8.2/2011 (in English).
  • “Nihilizam ili nishto [“Nihilism or Nothing] (Gianni Vattimo, Nihilism and Emancipation, Sofia: Critique and Humanism, 2011), in: Literary Club, 24.04.2012, (in Bulgarian).
  • “The Queer Therapist Unbound” (Lindsey Moon (Ed.), Counseling Ideologies: Queer Challenges to Heteronormativity, Surrey: Ashgate), in: Sextures, Vol. 2, No. 1, Sydney. (in English)
  • “Gaga Fails” (J. J. Halberstam, Gaga Feminism. Sex, Gender and the End of Normal. Boston: Beacon Press, 2012), in: Graduate Journal of Social Sciences (forthcoming, in English).
Other Presentations and Contributions
Conference Proceedings
  • “The Gender Paradigm as a Lack of the Local Object,” paper presented at Sexuality between the Local and the Global, 19-24 May 2004, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  • “Postcolonian Fire,” paper presented at Eastern Europe and the Third World: Women's Attempt to Re-establish the Dialogue, 19-21 May, 2005, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  • “Invested (Feminist) Elites and the Future of Class Struggle,” paper presented at Gender Studies of and for the Region of the Balkans: Winter Colloquium on Thematic and Epistemic Issues, Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities Research “Euro-Balkan,” 30 October – 2 November, 2009, Skopje, Macedonia.
  • “Universalism and Male Silence,” paper presented at Gender Studies of and for the Region of the Balkans: Summer Colloquium on Epistemic Issues in Gender Studies, Ohrid Summer University, June 2010, Ohrid, Macedonia.
  • “On Guattari’s Planetary Psychopathology,” paper presented at The Apparatus of Life and Death, Skopje Electronic Arts Fair, Skopje Museum of Contemporary Arts, 6-7 October 2010, Skopje, Macedonia.
  • “Sexual Khora,” paper presented at European Geographies of Sexualities, Hogeschool-Universiteit Brussel Brussels, 8th – 10th September 2011, Brussels, Belgium.
  • “Puppeteering Nothing: Thomas Ligotti and the Abolishment of Paradox in Life,” paper presented at Energy, Biopolitics, Strategies of Resistance and Cultural Subversion, Skopje Electronic Arts Fair, Skopje Museum of Contemporary Arts, 2 November 2011, Skopje, Macedonia.
  • “Straight Separatism: Theses on the Queer Archive,” paper presented at In/visible: The Sexual and Political Regimes of the Archive, Skopje, National Gallery of Macedonia – Chifte Hamam, 25 February 2012.




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